Top three reasons you need a progressive political psychiatrist:

1. You don’t know how any sane, decent person could vote for Donald Trump

2. Your personal relationships are being torn apart by political strife

3. You’re worried about rising authoritarianism, but don’t know what to do about it

What is a political psychiatrist anyway?

  • I’m an MD with specialized training in psychiatry. That means I know a lot about how the brain works, what causes it to go wrong, and how to fix it (using both medication and therapy).

  • I’m trained in political science with a specialization in political behavior and psychology. That means I know a lot about how people think about politics, where their beliefs come from, and how they change.

  • I have real life political experience. From my first job as an intern in Nancy Pelosi’s district office to managing my mom’s congressional campaign, to volunteering on local and national races, I’ve learned a lot about the practice of politics.

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Political Psychiatrist | Smart Politics | Angry Uncle Bot
I've been a film critic, a school teacher, and a writer and editor for Britannica,, and Redbox. These days I work with Dr. Karin Tamerius on Smart Politics and the "It's Not Too Late" project.